Wednesday 6 June 2012

Wingin' It

Day 15
"Well tell those swamp rats to back off the merchandise!"

So this is my Guatemala bracelet. I wear it almost every day. Honestly, I miss Guatemala so much! I went there with a group of people in March, and I'd give anything to go back. It is such a beautiful place, and I have so many good memories there. I remember walking the streets of Antigua like it was yesterday; almost getting run over by cars every time we crossed the road. I could sit here and write for hours about what an amazing time I had there, but instead, I'll just tell you about Monday.
Monday was a pretty typical Monday. Ellen and I had to give a presentation for Spanish class on Guatemala. We picked Guatemala because we've both been there, and both love that place. The powerpoint I had prepared conveniently wasn't working, so I had to use the one I made at school, which was only half done. 
Each presentation was suppose to be 25-30 minutes long. We had to present that day, too. So, with only 30 minutes to spare, Ellen and I managed to get down to a computer and finish up the powerpoint while another group presented their project. Somehow, we pulled it off and went to present it. Since we didn't have time to practice our presentation, we kinda just improvised. But Ellen and I were able to just pull random facts out of our heads that we learned while we were in Guatemala. I think we aced it!
I've spent so much time talking about Guatemala that I was even a little bit nervous to speak in front of the class. Which is amazing because those of you who know me, know I'm quite terrible at public speaking.
Oh, Guatemala! How I miss thee.
                                                                                               -Jess Dryden

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