Wednesday 13 June 2012

This Could Be the Start of Something New

Day 24
"It's not that our love died, it just never really bloomed"

It's been another great day. Had an exam this morning. Exam week is the only time you will ever catch me wearing sweat pants in public (unless I'm going to the gym) and even then I usually just change when I get there. Unfortunately, I don't think I did too well on my exam. School just really isn't going too great this year.
After my exam, Court drove me home. Then Ben and I went to lunch.
It's kinda sad because it was probably my last lunch with Ben, while he's still my youth pastor. It's going to be so weird not having him around. I went home again and then I went to work at 5:30. Dad picked me up for pizza afterwards. Second time I had pizza today.

I made a promise to myself today. I made a promise that I was going to get my life together. Get organized, do better in school, be a better person, and stop wasting time. I'm such a time waster. I'm real good at keeping promises, just not the ones I make to myself. But I really hope I can keep this one.
                                                                                               -Jess Dryden

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