Thursday 7 June 2012

It Rains When You're Here and It Rains When You're Gone

                 Day 16
          "THAT'S HIM!"

So apparently I have new neighbors that moved in on Saturday. I won't lie; I'm quite an oblivious person.
Since I forgot my keys, I went over to Serena's house after school. It's basically my second home. We had snacks and talked about random stuff and played Wii all afternoon until my step dad got off work. When he did, I went home and studied. And by "studied" I mean I had a nap. I might have eaten at some point in the day too.                                                                                                                                  -Jess Dryden

Day 17
"Staying safe at Trimble"

Technically, I still went to school yesterday. It just wasn't my school. Since it's the last week of school, attending class isn't really mandatory. And just so you know, I was totally planning on attending my afternoon classes, but my friends had other plans. They picked me up at lunch time and then we went to pick of Nathan, of course. We drove into town to drop Nathan off at HTHS. After we dropped him off, we decided to go inside and take pictures with the Trojans' sign. We were about to get caught by some teachers so we booked it out of there and went to the mall for a couple of hours. There's really nothing else to do in Moncton other then go to the mall, sadly. 
At 3:30 ish, we decided to take a trip to MHS. We went inside and took pictures. Walking into Moncton High wearing a Riverview Royals jacket was not my best idea. Oops. Back to Trimble from there where Brittany, Kaitlyn, Maddy, Nathan and I all hung out for a brief amount of time. Then Maddy left. So the rest of us decided to leave too, since none of us even go to that school. We got back in the car, and drove to Joshua Lander's house. I'm not entirely sure why. Nathan attempted to leave but then somehow we all ended up going to the mall again. We drove Brittany home first. We stayed at the mall for a while, but then we eventually left the premises and left Nathan there.
The day ended with talking to people who are currently in America. I miss them.
                                                                                                 -Jess Dryden

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