Thursday 14 June 2012

School in the Summer?

Day 25
"Wash that man right out of your sweater"

Today was most people's last day of school. Sad I can't say the same for myself. While my friends are chillin' at the beach and doing drive-bys, I'll be stuck in summer school. It's official. Turns out summer school is a real thing. I really thought it only existed in movies. The fortunate thing is, it's only for a month. So I'll still have all of August. Even though I'll be stuck in school during the morning, I'm so looking forward to summer!

Today was great, as always. I went to school, then Jessica and Kaitlyn drove Tera-Mae and I to the church. It was Tera-Mae's first day working there. I assisted her in planning a few of the events for the summer. Then Ben took us to Subway for lunch.
Eventually I went back to school so I could talk with my teachers about my horrible marks. Most of my teachers are pretty great, I must say. I'm really going to miss grade eleven, but I'm tremendously excited for my grad year! It's going to be so great, you know.
I should be off to bed since I have an exam at 8:45 AM tomorrow. 
                                                                                                   Thanks for reading
                                                                                                          -Jess Dryden

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