Monday 11 June 2012

Chicken Toast

                      Day 22
               "Chicken toast!"

Once I move out, I'm buying a toaster, and stalking up on chicken toast. Then I'll be golden.
Today was a great day. I got to sleep in a little bit because my exam was at 11 AM. My friends came to get me around 10:30. We drove to school and I did my exam. I can say with confidence that I probably failed that exam. I'm really not too impressed with myself. I should have actually finished reading Oliver Twist. But, what's done is done and all I can do is hope for the best. 
After my exam I stayed in the cafeteria and read until Tera-Mae was done her exam. Then we walked to her house and had chicken toast! Yes, that's right! CHICKEN FREAKIN' TOAST! A little while after we had chicken toast, we went upstairs and Tera-Mae played a bunch of songs on her trendy new Macbook, so I could guess the title and artist. I thought I was doing an okay job until Tera-Mae's brother walked in and schooled me. (You're going down next time, Justin!)
Tera-Mae drove me all the way home but when I got to the door, it was locked and I didn't have my keys. So I got back in the van and we drove back to Tera-Mae's. We got out of the van and went for walk around the block. We had good conversation, as per usual. Then she drove me home again. Luckily, my 'rents were home this time.
So then, this American I know put ramen in his coffee because, well, I'm not really sure why. He's the coolest person I know.
I'm so looking forward to tomorrow as I may get to see my friends who just got back from America. And you know, it's Tuesday.
                                                                                                         -Jess Dryden

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