Thursday 21 June 2012

Oh, Prom!

Day 29
"Are you up, gurl?"

I don't really remember much about Monday. I probably spent all day in bed. I did go to work at 5:30 PM though! I remember that. I remember watching John Tucker Must Die at work. I have a bit of an obsession with that movie lately. I also remember my friends coming to visit me at work for a bit. 
After work I decided I would go to Tim's. I forgot they stopped serving bagels that late at night, so going there would be pointless. I decided to walk to Wendy's instead. On my way, Kaitlyn drove by and then kindly offered to drive me there. When we got there, I ate of course, and Kaitlyn and I decided to make a plan to crash prom. Probably the best idea I've had all week. Then mom came to get me. 
At 11 PM, Kaitlyn texted me and asked if I was still up. Of course I was, so she came to get me so we could do drive-bys. Worst idea we had all week.  But anyways, we indeed did drive-bys, then she drove me home. I then starting watching a movie and fell asleep. Pretty typical night for Jess Dryden.
                                                                                                             -Jess Dryden

                                 Day 30
               "I'll take you to prom next year!"

Oh boy! Tuesday was just the bestest! I told you Tuesdays are always great. 
Why was this Tuesday so splendid? One word: prom. Yes, the event every girl looks forward to all of her teenage years. No, I didn't go to prom, unfortunately. Well, I did actually. Let me just explain. 
I'm in grade eleven, so I only get to go to prom next year. I wasn't overly excited for prom, in fact, I wasn't even planning on going until Tuesday. This past Tuesday, I had the pleasure of spending the entire day with Tera-Mae and Brittany. I took their prom pictures. Seeing how excited they got for prom made me want to go so bad, and I made a decision that day to go when I'm in grade twelve. It just so happens I found a date, too. It all worked out quite perfectly. 
I absolutely loved spending the day with these girls. Going to get hair and make-up done, and then going to take pictures. They looked stunning, with their handsome prom dates. They've grown up so fast, and turned into such lovely ladies :') Love you girls <3
Anyway, Kaitlyn and I decided to crash prom. We managed to sneak into one prom, our school's prom, but we couldn't get into the other one. Which really kinda sucked because we could hear the music playing and it sounded like such a good time. Since we couldn't get into that prom, we decided to randomly walk around the Delta hotel and take pictures. I talked in a British accent so it would confuse people. Then Kaitlyn's mom needed the car, so with another failed attempt to get into prom, we went home and had pizza.
I actually can't wait for prom <3
                                                                                                 -Jess Dryden

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