Tuesday 12 February 2013

Baptist Dance

266 (Feb. 10th)
"Come on shake it up baby. Twist and shout"

AH! This past Sunday was wonderful. I actually got up and made it to church on time. Don't ask me how, but I did. I was especially excited for this day because we were having another crazy Baptist dance at youth group again. When our youth leader announced it in church to remind us, I couldn't help but smile. I love dancing.
After church, I went home and had lunch with momma. Then she left for Fredericton for the week, without me! :( My favorite place in the world and she wouldn't even let me come. She was all "School, Jess!" Oh, mothers and their incessant need to pester you about school. But anyway, I was getting excited for this dance as I was texting Andy and getting ready simultaneously.
As the time for the dance was quickly approaching, I was almost ready. Feelin' fly in my favourite red dress and fixin' up a few of my Taylor Swift curls. I finished just as my limousine arrived (my friend Adam's mom was driving me there).
Once we arrived at the church, we chatted and went upstairs to do a bible study before our dance. I was so excited I could barely sit still. When the bible study was done, we raced downstairs where they had a sick dance floor set up with these cool lights. And food! There was delicious food.
We danced until we couldn't dance anymore. Literally! They played Twist & Shout and I just went crazy. These dances are just so much better than the ones at school. There's none of that nasty dancing that teenagers do now a days. But it was good ol' baptist dancing. It was what I imagine the dances were like back when they are sock hop and soda parlours. Ah, what a night it was!

Oh by the way, this is my friend Courtney. Isn't this the best dress ever?

- Jessica Dryden

Saturday 9 February 2013

Snowed In

Day 265 (Feb. 9th)
"Glittered my football"

I've been cooped up in my house all day! I'm not brave enough to go outside in this cold Canadian weather. You think I'd be used to this sort of thing, but no. I've been spending my day doing puzzles, baking, picture taking and watching more of Pride and Prejudice.
I love jigsaw puzzles, so mum and I started working on a puzzle early this afternoon. We decided to take a break and then we just never finished it. After, I made this dessert. You know, practicing my housewife skills and all. I've taken a few pictures here and there. They always turn out so much better when I'm actually outside though. I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Pride and Prejudice is just such a good movie! I really do love it. Of course, I prefer the book. Jane Austin is probably my favorite author.
But yes, it's been a pretty good day. Not to complain, but I'll be really excited for when all this snow stops. Only 38 days until spring <3

- Jessica Dryden

Friday 8 February 2013

It's Friday

 Day 264 (Feb. 8th)
"Are those pancakes?"

Hello, readers! For those of you that are still with me and are still reading, I thank you for your patience. Much has been happening in the life of Jess Dryden. I haven't had time to write. But I'm back now! And I hope I can blog from now until day 365, which is only 101 days from now. Oh! How the times passes by oh so quickly.
Now that all that's been said, I should probably tell you about my day. I woke up, just like every other morning. Running late as per usual. I arrived at school and was off to my first class. I'm still getting use to my new schedule. (We just started semester 2)
Maegan, Brooke and I planned our stop motion animation for media productions class. It's going to be brilliant! At least, I hope it will be brilliant. Then I headed for nutrition and healthy living class! I was particularly excited because it's Friday and we were doing pilates.
It was brutal! For those of you that know me, you'd know I'm not in very good shape, but I'm doing my best to try and fix that. Since I'm not used to it though, it was quite a work out. I avoided walking up the stairs as much as possible for the rest of the day.
I had one more class, then lunch. I had my two afternoon classes and headed for home after modern history. Gotta say, I'm really loving that class this year. After I was home, I read some Jane Austin and then watched a scene from Pride and Prejudice. Sometimes I like to read scenes from a book then watch it in a movie. I like to compare the two. I gotta find myself a boyfriend or something.
Now I'm just catching up on some blogging, listening to music and editing pictures. There were some random fireworks that went off not too long ago. I'm dreading tomorrow because I know I'll be snowed in all day. I'm thinking, board games and puzzles? Bring it on.

- Jessica Dryden