Saturday 29 December 2012

Christmas Eve

Day 218 (Dec. 24th)
"Dude, I know you!"

Christmas Eve! I will admit I was pretty darn excited. Christmas came and went so fast this year. I mean, I still can't believe it's come and gone for the year. This Christmas Eve, I woke up late in the morning. Mom and I had to go to the mall, again. We had to pick up one last Christmas gift. I also had to get pictures printed at Superstore. Once we were done all that, we headed home.
I relaxed for the afternoon; watched television and stuff. I then got ready for the annual Christmas eve service at my church. I always look forward to that. I wore my favorite red dress and just left my hair to be all Taylor Swifty.
After the service was done, I went downstairs to say a merry Christmas to my friends. I ran into one Zack Davis, that I'd met several months earlier at Potential Impact. Apparently his family lives in the area, although he lives several hours away. It was so cool to see a familiar face!
Dad picked me up after the service and we drove to Irving Big Stop. It turns out that the restaurant there was close. So where did we end up going? McDonald's of course. The employees made me laugh as I waited to pick up our "food." They really do have the greatest staff there.
Once I arrived at home, I decided to watch The Holiday. Christmas tradition and all. It may come as a shock, but not long into the movie, I fell asleep. Ah well.

-Jessica Dryden

Thursday 27 December 2012

Christmas Shopping

Day 217 (Dec. 23)
"Boys are nothing but trouble"

I woke up on Sunday only a few minutes before it was time for church, so I decided not to go. Instead I prepared myself to go to the mall. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. I really thought it was going to be busier than it was. I had to do some last minute Christmas shopping that day. And by "last minute Christmas shopping", I mean I bought everyone's Christmas present on that day.
For lunch, we took a quick break and went to McDonald's. It was the first time I'd had a Big Mac in so long! After lunch I continued on my shopping spree for Christmas presents and by the time we'd left the mall, I had almost everyone's present. I was quite happy, I must say.
I went home and chatted with my best friend via Facebook while watching The Little Mermaid 2. I was exhausted from being at the mall all day.

-Jessica Dryden

Sunday 23 December 2012


Day 216 (Dec. 22)
"I dropped a breakfast burrito in my shoe."

Quite the beautiful day it was yesterday. One of the nicest days we've had here in weeks, I'd say.
I woke up late morning. Kaitlyn and I had made plans to go to the market at some point, but that didn't work out as planned. So I spent the morning not really doing much. I just hung around the house.
Around 3 o'clock, I went to over bestest friend's house. Since we're both off school now, we decided to hangout. And of course, a photo shoot was in order. 
The weather and lighting were both so perfect for taking photos. We walked around the view, taking pictures in the park. I think this photo is my favorite from the evening. My best friend is so gorgeous.
It was starting to get dark and cold, so we headed for home. Once we arrived at Tera-Mae's, we had some supper and then she drove me home. I love my best friend.
At home, I edited pictures and listened to Taylor Swift. Then I was feeling kinda Disney, so I watched The Little Mermaid. I never realized how ridiculous the plot line of that movie is. I began watching The Little Mermaid 2 but shortly into the film, I fell asleep. 

-Jessica Dryden