Wednesday 25 July 2012

Young Adult Life

Day 59
"Oh I hope he's working"

Tera-Mae and I decided to go shopping for clothes at Frenchy's. I'm practicing young adult life; a life with no money.
We both managed to find some cute clothes. Then we headed to the mall, because there were some really good sales that day. After about an hour at the mall, we left and went to McDonald's. The one on mountain road, of course. We got ice cream, and it was delicious. Definitely worth the stomach ache.
-Jess Dryden

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Farewell, Benjamin

Day 58
"Hey dude, stop taking my grass!"

I think it's safe to say Tuesday, July 17th was a sad day for all of us.
Tuesday was the last day most of us spent with Ben, our former youth pastor who worked at Riverview Baptist for about six years.
We (most of the youth group) went to Ben's house on Tuesday for one last BBQ, which we usually have at the end of summer. We went to the park down the street, had water fights (and grass fights), drank lemonade, and had one heck of a time together. Our last time together. </3

After everyone said their goodbyes, I left and went to the mall with dad. We drank tea, and went shopping for clothes. I ran into one of my best friends, Nathan! Like, this wasn't even planned. For someone who "hates" the mall, he sure is there a lot. After dad and I were done shopping, Kaitlyn, Nathan, Courtney, Jessica and myself went to see The Amazing Spiderman in the theatre.  It was a mildly entertaining movie, but it had a terrible ending. My rating: 3/5.

Nathan and I went in Court's time machine, uh, I mean car and we drove Nathan home. It was a pretty sketchy drive home because there was fog everywhere and then some cat thing ran across Nathan's driveway. It was actually the sketchiest thing.
Court drove me home, and I went to bed.
                                                                                                              -Jess Dryden

Friday 20 July 2012

I'm Always in the Mood for Nachos

Day 57
"Well I'll be hornswaddled!"

Monday was the first time I've been to the beach all summer. It's kind of sad, really. We arrived at the beach around lunch time. I ate nachos for lunch! I <3 nachos.
I like the beach a lot. I mean, I'm not big on swimming but I like sand. And no matter how many people are at the beach, it's somehow always so quiet and peaceful. I also love walking in the water.
We stayed at the beach for  a couple of hours, then headed home to Moncton.
After we arrived in Moncton, I went to Tera-Mae's house to watch Napoleon Dynamite. I had not seen that movie since I was like, 10 years old. It was just as stupid as I remembered it to be. I suppose it was funny, too.
                                                                                               -Jess Dryden

Working Hard, Not Hardly Working

Day 56
"That's just 'cause he's whipped"

I went to Sunday morning church, of course. I went home to have some lunch after the service. Have you ever tried gluten-free egg mcmuffins? It's like eating cardboard and egg.
Around 3, I went to work at Maritime Idol. I finally got to work a coffee machine, which has been my dream for, like, ever. After I was done working, Styler came to get me and we went back to my house to watch a movie. Yep.
                                                                                                            -Jess Dryden

Thursday 19 July 2012


Day 55
"Just let them go free and bouncy"

I went to the market on Saturday! But before I went there, I picked up a driver's handbook. I figure it's about time to get my license.
Upon arriving at the market, I went to see The Stams. Oh, how I miss working beside them. I didn't stay at the market for too long, because mom and I had to go get groceries. I did manage to get some gelato though. John makes the best!
So we went grocery shopping. I got enough boxes of fruit roll-ups to last me about 48 hours. I honestly have an addiction.
Tera-Mae came to get me around 7 PM because Becks was in town, and we all made plans to hangout. Becks is a camp counselor, so we barely get to see her in the summer time.
We all met up at Tera-Mae's house. We went to Bulk Barn to get snacks, and then we walked down Main Street that evening. I <3 Tera-Mae & Becks.
It was getting pretty late, so Tera-Mae drove me home, but not before we went to Taco Bell. Mmmmmm.
We were also going to go to McDonald's to see someone, but Tera-Mae drove to the wrong McDonald's. Oh Tera-Mae!
                                                                                     -Jess Dryden

Wednesday 18 July 2012

A Quiet Afternoon

Day 54
"We just moved here from Ontario."

On Friday, my sister came to get me around lunch time. We went to Sobeys to get some groceries. Then K945 was having a mystery BBQ outside Sobeys, so we waited in line and scored some free tickets to Magic Mountain. While waiting, we met a girl who just moved to New-Brunswick a short time ago. She was from Ontario.
Ontario's a cool place. I'd definitely live there.
Anyway, after get our passes we headed over to visit Tyler at work. We then headed to a car repair shop place thing to get Styler's car fixed.
I left the car repair shop place thing around 1:45 PM, seeing as I had to be to work at 2. It wasn't too busy at work, so I mostly read.
                                                                                                   -Jess Dryden

In Love

Day 53
"I'm officially in love with Pinterest."

Yes, it's true! I'm in love with Pinterest. It's like, the best invention since pepperoni.
On July 12th, I went to VBS in the morning. It was great, as always. We were all in the kitchen, getting snacks. I got a glass of water, and I look away for a second and my glass of water becomes a swimming pool for gold fish crackers. The things my youth pastor does.
I walked home from VBS a little early because I wasn't feeling well. Once I got home, I had a nap and then decided it was time for me to get a Pinterest account. So I did, and well, I'm in love. I spent a great deal of time that night with Pinterest. 
                                                                                                         -Jess Dryden

Concert in the Park

Day 52
"What's a hipster?"
"Basically a hobo with an iphone"

I went to VBS in the morning. It was a good time, it was!
After VBS Britt, Tera-Mae, Daniel and I went to pick up some lunch. We went to Wendy's then, we went back to the church after dropping Daniel off at home. We ate our fast food, then I had to head home. I walked home. As soon as I arrived home, I started making cookies for the Youth In Action bake sale we were having in the park that night. I made tons of cookies while completing my afternoon chores.
Around 6, Jessica picked me up and her Kaitlyn and myself went to pick up the rest of the stuff for the bake sale, along with some ice for to keep the drinks cold. We arrived at the concert in Caseley Park. There wasn't a very big crowd, but we did manage to sell some stuff. Then Nathan showed up.
After the bake sale was over, Nathan walked me home again.
                                                                                                           -Jess Dryden

It's a Long Walk Home

Day 51
"Enjoy your cheese"

July 10th! It was a Tuesday. I was suppose to be going to VBS that morning, however I wasn't feeling too great. And since I was working that evening, I figured it best I stay home and rest. So that's what I did. I was feeling better after a couple of hours though.
I went to work at 5:30 PM. Right in the middle of work, Nathan called me and made me aware that he was coming to see me at work. He finally arrived like, half an hour before I was done work.
After I was off work, Nate walked me home. But before we went to my house, we we walked to superstore. While walking there, we ran into our best friends; the men wearing nice suits. We stopped to talk to them for a bit, and then went to superstore to get cheese. Unfortunately, they didn't have the kind of cheese I wanted so we went to McDonald's instead.
From there, it was about a 45 minute walk to my house. So we walked, and talked, and it was dark. After we finally got home, I went inside and Nate biked home to his house. Such a good best friend for walking me all the way home.
On a side note, I'm totally aware that my cat looks dead in this picture, but I assure you he's just napping.                                                                              
                                                                                              -Jess Dryden

Vacation Bible School

Day 50
"It says jews!"

VBS! I absolutely love Vacation Bible School. It's the week I had been waiting for all summer long.
I arrived at the church at approximately 8 AM, to help set up and stuff. Basically everything was already set up though. Britt informed me that I was going to be Tera-Mae's assistant for the week. VBS was from 9-12.
After it finished, Tera-Mae and I walked over to the church office, while singing Lion King songs. Tera-Mae had to work. Then Britt and Jordan showed up. We all hung out for a bit. Ben eventually arrived at the office, too.
After a while, they all decided it would be funny to post embarrassing things on my Facebook wall, and I couldn't get internet access to see what they were posting. Sometimes I think my friends are only my friends because they like to embarrass me. But I love them just the same.
Kaitlyn came to pick me up and I went to her house so I could use her trendy Mac to check what was posted on my wall. Then she drove me home.
                                                                                                  -Jess Dryden

Tuesday 17 July 2012


Day 49
"I'm the happiest girl in the world right now!"

I really was the happiest girl in the world on July 8th.
Don't get me wrong, it was a good day. Every day is a good day. Thing is, I don't know why I was so happy on that day. I just was. It's like nothing could bring me down; nothing at all. It was such a nice feeling. The truth is, I too often let things get me down.
Anyway, I didn't go to Sunday morning church. I did go to work from 2-5:30 PM. Like I said, it wasn't a really exciting day, but I was so happy. It was so nice.
                                                                                                            -Jess Dryden

Monday 16 July 2012

Post-Birthday Parties

Day 48
"Pass the nachos?"

I'm always in my most indecisive state when I'm shopping for birthday presents.
On Saturday, July 7th Dad came to get me so I could go to the mall and get Kaitlyn a birthday present because we were celebrating her birthday that day. Since dad took time off work to come get me, I had to make this shopping trip quick. I was in and out of the mall in under twenty minutes. Pretty impressive if you knew how much time I spend at the mall.
I decided upon a tea kettle (because apparently Kaitlyn loves David's Tea now) and a movie gift certificate for a birthday present. A gift bag, a card and some tape; I was outta there.
Around 7 PM, Kait and Jess came to get me. We went to Kait's for nachos and cake! Britt and Court also came.
Britt had to go home after a while because she wasn't feeling well, but Court, Jess, Kait and I went driving around town. Of course, we did drive-bys!
We then went to Harry's Pizza to, well, to get pizza. It was delicious as always. By the time our pizza was ready, everyone was beat and we all decided to go home.
                                                                                                    -Jess Dryden

Chickens & Driving; Something Different

Day 47
"Let's waste time, catching chickens"

Well, from what I can remember of July 6th, it wasn't very exciting. I did get up to write a Facebook note sometime that morning, meaning I must have been incredibly bored. I probably played guitar, too. I remember listening to "It Makes No Difference" by The Band, and "No Surprises" by Radiohead. I listened to those two songs over and over again, all day.
Although, the evening was pretty exciting! Nathan invited Brittany, Kaitlyn and I (or rather, we invited ourselves) to go see his chickens.
We drove to his house and we went inside for a bit. Then we went to the backyard where there's like a little mini farm. We saw chickens!
Afterwards, we went to Britt's house. There were people there. We left Britt's and went to Kaitlyn's to get snack food, after leaving superstore. Then we drove around town. I had to be home rather early that night, so they dropped me home first, instead of Nathan.
It was just Netflix and I for the rest of the night.

                                                                                              -Jess Dryden

Saturday 14 July 2012

Birthdays on Thursdays

Day 46
"The Phantom of the Opera is here"

Thursday, July 5th was Kaitlyn's birthday.
Jessica came to get me that morning so we could run some errands. We went to Canadian Tire to get some paint, then we went to the mall to get Kaitlyn a birthday present. I couldn't decide what to get her, but Jessica picked something up for her.
We had a fast lunch at McDonald's of course, and then went to the dollar store. After successfully completing Jess' list of things to do, she drove me home.
Then in the evening, Kaitlyn texted me and ask if I wanted to hangout. I said yes, of course and she came to get.
Upon arriving at the mall, Kaitlyn and I ran into Brittany and Alyssa. Figures I'd run into Brittany Akerley at the mall. Happens ALL the time. Then I texted Myra (Britt's mom) and we went to see her! We also saw Justin, and Sterling. Gosh, basically the whole family was there.
We departed the mall after a quick stop in American Eagle to visit Jessica at work. We then drove to Nathan's house to pick him up.
Then we did drive-bys and went to Tim Hortons, while blasting Phantom of the Opera music. Nathan ordered timbits in a British accents. I think he really charmed the girl that was taking our order, because she gave us forty timbits when we asked for twenty.
Theeeeeeen we went to Britt's house for a bit. It was getting late so Britt came with us, and we drove Nathan home and then Kait drove me home. With another happy birthday I said goodnight and went to bed shortly after arriving.
                                                                                                        -Jess Dryden

Eat. Sleep. Preston.

Day 45
"I'll read it write away!"

My laptop and I have a very good relationship, and he doesn't like to be left alone. So I give up having a life, just to spend time with him.
I spent more time with Preston than usual on July 4th. I needed to catch up on some blogging. In fact, I think all I did was watch movies and blog on that day. I remember waking up really early, showering, and then going back to bed. Preston has really messed up my sleep cycle.
I also practiced my guitar and probable ate something at some point of the day. MLIA.
                                                                                              -Jess Dryden

Last Minute Plans

Day 44
"Girls and guys can't be friends!"
"Yeah, haven't you ever seen When Harry Met Sally?"

July 3rd was a Tuesday! A pretty great Tuesday, if I do say so myself.
I woke up at like, 6:30 AM. That never happens. I was suppose to have plans that day, but my plans never do work out unless they're last minute plans.
I stayed home all day. I practiced guitar for like, an hour. I'm really starting to like playing guitar.
Around dinner time, mom and I went to the mall because she wanted to buy some new clothes. I just wanted some italian soda, so I went to Second Cup. I was so happy to see Beatrice Campbell was working that day! We chatted for a bit, and she made my italian soda. (Thanks Bea <3)
I also went to Taco Bell that day, while mom was shopping. Pretty sure I actually have a fast food addiction. At least it wasn't McDonald's again.
                                                                                      -Jess Dryden

Friday 13 July 2012

Weeknight Ventures

Day 43
"I'm not really a big fan of breakfast cereal"

Monday, July 2nd was an interesting day. Well, during the day was actually really boring, but the evening was pretty interesting.
Nathan asked me if I wanted to hangout. I said yes and an hour later we met at superstore. We didn't really have a plan, but that's pretty typical for us. We decided to go for a walk. We walked up and down the river front. It was such a nice night, and the weather was delightful.
Then we decided to go to McDonald's, because, you know I *never* go there. Seriously, I don't know why I don't already have a job there.
After eating food that will one day kill us, Nathan and I started walking again. We went to Dairy Queen because we were being eaten alive by blood-thirsty misquitoes. Then Henry and Thomas showed up. We all sat down for a while and talked, but I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on. Then we left and went to Thomas and Henry's house.
A few shorts moments after arriving, Thomas made a sandwich. I sat awkwardly beside him while he ate his sandwich and read the paper. He's. So. Cute.
We all hung out for a bit, then Henry took me home because apparently I have a curfew now. We saw a bear on the way home! Okay, it wasn't actually a bear. It was probably an over-sized cat, but it looked like a bear! It was dark, and I was tired. Yeeeeeeeah.
                                                                                            -Jess Dryden

Thursday 12 July 2012

Fredericton: My Second Home

Day 42
"Would you like to hear a poem for a penny?"

I spent Canada Day in my favorite place in the world; Fredericton. It's a beautiful place, it really is.
I woke up early July 1st and got ready. I didn't go to Sunday morning church because, well, it's a long drive to Fredericton. We left the house at approximately 11 AM. The main reason why I wanted to go to Fredericton on Canada Day, was to see Joel Plaskett. Unfortunately, I didn't get to stay and see his concert.
We arrived in Fredericton at around 2 PM. I was so excited. It had been such a long time since I'd been there.
We arrived at Officer's Square. The only bad thing about Fredericton is that there's never any place to park. Ever. But eventually, after driving all over the city, we found a place! I jumped out of the car and we headed for the bridge so I could walk over it which I do almost every time I'm in Fredericton.
Anyway, I did all my regular Fredericton stuff, then went to Officer's Square and got Greek food! It was yummy. Mom and I stayed for some of the music that was playing. There was actually a band playing, and the members were from Fredericton. They were surprisingly a really good band. I was impressed.
Then we went for a walk around town. That's all I really wanted to do at that point, because there were way to many people in the square. So, we walked around and saw some boys doing parkour.
Then some guy came up and asked if we wanted to hear a poem for a penny. I thought it was a pretty good deal, so I said yes. I liked his poem so much that I gave him a dollar.
Afterwards, mom and I went to a Bar & Restaurant to get sweet potato fries, and non-alcoholic drinks. I was getting exhausted quickly, so we left for home.
I was surprised that I didn't have as good a time as I thought I would, but I think it might have been because there were way too many people.
After a long, tiresome drive home, I watch a movie or two, and then mom and I went to see the fireworks. I must say, Moncton was looking pretty beautiful that night.
                                                                                                           -Jess Dryden

Sunday 8 July 2012

Hot Fuzz? Check!

Day 41
"I really hope I can get to Fredericton tomorrow."

From what I can recall, I spent most of June 30th trying to figure out transportation to Fredericton for Canada Day, so I could see Joel Plaskett. And you know, so I could go to Fredericton.
We also got Netflix on that day! I decided to cross a few movies off my list. I started with Hot Fuzz. Mom and I watched it together. I usually watch movies alone, but since it was a comedy I didn't really care. It was mildly amusing, but overall, it was a pretty dumb movie. Then, I started to watch Water for Elephants. It wasn't a terrible movie.
Not an overly exciting day, but still a good one.
                                                                                                                             -Jess Dryden


Day 40
"Look at the magnificence that is you"

Friday (June 29th), was such a good day. I didn't actually do much in the day time, but once evening hit, I was busier than a bee! Just before sunset, Steph & Tyler (also known as Styler) came to get me. Steph had just gotten something new for her camera. She asked me if I wanted to model, and I said yes. Where as you're used to seeing pictures I took, it was actually her who took the beautiful photo above.
I got to spend time with Styler, and I got a new profile picture. It was a win-win.
If you'd like to see more of her amazing work, here's a link:

After photos, mom and I went to see Magic Mike. Maybe not the most appropriate movie. I don't recommend it, kids. After Magic Mike, I went McDonald's of course. I'm addicted. Ah, what a day.
                                                                                                                  -Jess Dryden

My Memory is Fading

Day 39
"You have a cat?!"

I really don't remember much of June 28th. It probably wasn't a very exciting day, to be honest. Based on my everyday routine, here's what I probably did:
Woke up late, skipped breakfast, listened to the song Boston, checked Facebook, and watched a movie. 
Also, I might have played guitar. I've been putting my guitar to good use lately, instead of just letting it sit and collect dust. In fact, I've been practicing daily! I'm not as terrible as I used to be at playing that thing. Although, I still have a lot of practicing to do.
I did spend some of the day editing, and posting pictures from the retreat. Also, Tera-Mae found out I had a cat. I guess I forgot to tell my best friend I have a cat, which is weird because the subject of cats has been coming up a lot in our conversations. She loves cats. 

                                                                                                      -Jess Dryden

Spiritual Retreat- Day #5

Day 38
"Hey I just met you, and this is crazy- squirrel!"

Day 5 of Spiritual Retreat (June 27th), the final day, was bittersweet. I mean, I was happy to be going home to my friends and stuff, but at the same time, I was going to miss spending time with my youth group.
We woke up, had a devotional, had free time, then packed and cleaned up around the cottage. We departed the cottage at around 3 PM and we had some car troubles but nothing too serious.
I was so happy to finally get home, and as shallow as it is, I was so happy to text. I really missed my phone, and Facebook and all the other things I went five days without. I know, tough life I have, right? Also, I went five days without listening to the song Boston. New record!
A couple hours after my arrival, Kaitlyn came to get me so we could do drive-bys. We drove all over the city trying to find Nathan, but no luck, so we went to McDonald's instead. 
                                                                                                               -Jess Dryden

Spiritual Retreat- Day #4

Day 37
"A gem for a gem."

Thinking all the way back to Tuesday, June 26th, it was a pretty good day. Well, of course it was! It was a Tuesday. I <3 Tuesdays.
I woke up fairly early that day. I remember that. It was raining, like it was pretty much all week. After breakfast, I went upstairs to put some finishing thoughts into my devotional that I was suppose to be giving that day. After I was done, we went over to the other cottage and I, uh, presented my devo. It was on worship, and I think it went quite well.
We had free time after that, so I decided to go for a walk in the pouring rain. Andy and Ben decided to join me. We walked up the dirt road and then turned back. On the walk back, we went puddle jumping. Then we went down to the lake to wash off our feet. I knew Ben was going to pull something and try and toss me and Andy into the lake, but I somehow cleverly avoided it. Then me and Andy, fully clothed, decide to jump into the lake. We were soaked from head to toe and my towel became my best friend. That was the closest I came to swimming all week. Everything good happens on Tuesdays!
To top off that perfect day, we had tacos for dinner. Then Tera-Mae, Andy and I did best friend surveys. It was such a great day.
                                                                                                           -Jess Dryden

Thursday 5 July 2012

Spiritual Retreat- Day #3

                   Day 36
               "In your pants"

I think Monday was probably my favorite day of Spiritual Retreat. You think it would have been Tuesday, right? But no, it was Monday.
It didn't completely have to do with the weather, but it was really nice to see the sunshine that day. People went swimming and I went and took pictures. Tera-Mae, MJ, Ben and I went for a walk to "heaven", AKA the farm up the road from the cottage. It's a really nice spot.
Then there were some conflicts that needed to be dealt with among the group, so we all came together and dealt with those conflicts.
Then since the weather was so nice, we had a campfire and set off fireworks. And we had s'mores, of course. I was wearing yoga pants! I'm officially in love with yoga pants.
We returned up to the cottage where we spent a good ten minutes arguing about the correct pronunciation of the word taco, until Tera-Mae came out and told us all to get to bed.
                                                                                                                -Jess Dryden

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Spiritual Retreat- Day #2

Day 35
"And I can say welcome to the jungle"

Oh man, June 24th was a good day!
We went to Sunday morning church at Shannon Baptist. We always go there the Sunday of Spiritual Retreat . It's such a cute little church. And when I say little, I mean little. With our group of 20, we more than doubled the congregation. 
It was a good service though. They asked us to sing and everything. We hadn't really prepared anything, but we did "Father I Adore You" like we usually do when in doubt. 
After the service we went home and had some lunch. Afterwards, Tera-Mae, Ben and I went to pick up some fireworks. We also might have picked up a person, too.
So Tera-Mae, Nick, Ben and I went back to the cottage. We had an afternoon devotional on The Holy Spirit. We then had a short prayer and had dinner.
Then came my favorite part; quiet time. I love quiet time for so many reasons, but mostly because it's the only time during the week that everyone is actually quiet. Other than sleeping, but even then silence isn't guaranteed.
After quiet time, we had cheese s'mores. I know what you're thinking, but it's actually delicious. We spent the rest of the night talking about movies for my next list.
                                                                                                  -Jess Dryden

Spiritual Retreat

Day 34
"Hahaha, duties"

Meet Emma! She told me she always looks awkward in pictures..
I woke up way too early on the morning of June 23rd. I had to finish packing and finish up the devotional I had prepared for Spiritual Retreat.
Spiritual Retreat is a trip I take every year with my church. There's usually about 15-20 youth, and a couple of leaders. This was my sixth year attending. We go up to our youth pastor's parents' cottage for about 5 days. I was in desperate need to this trip. I just needed to get away from this crazy town. 
Saturday was a great day. We arrived at the cottage at around 3 PM. I amazingly didn't get sick on the car ride down. We had some time to get settled into our rooms and then we went over some rules. We had free time until dinner. After dinner, we had quiet time. I read my bible then dozed off into a nap. 
I woke up after like, two minutes and it was time for devo. Our devo was given by Tera-Mae. It was about preaching the gospel. We then had free time but I just went to bed. I <3 sleep.
                                                                                                            -Jess Dryden