Thursday 31 May 2012

Some Things Never Change

Day 10
"We could go to China and you'd probably run into someone you know!"

Oh hey! So, I'm a day behind on my posts. I really should be on day 11, but yeah. Some things never change. 
Yesterday was alright. I went to school, of course. After school Courtney and I studied chem and then she drove me to Tim's, and from there I walked to work. Turns out my shift was once again cancelled because of the dreadful weather. So my dad picked me up and we went out for lobster. Afterwards, he got me to coordinate an outfit for him because he doesn't know how. Oh dad!
I returned home to my house which is almost always freezing, and put on my favorite sweater. I spent the night on Facebook, basically. And I finished watching a movie. I think I might have got a decent amount of sleep last night, too. 
It wasn't an overly exciting day, I know. But every day is still a precious gift from God and I cherish the days He has given me <3 That is all.
                                                                                              -Jess Dryden

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Another Wonderful Tuesday

                Day 9
"You look like a monkey."

My apologies for not writing last night, but I was way too tired, excited, and capricious to do so. This always happens on Tuesday.
The 2 kids in the photo above are Maddy and John. They came to visit me at work. I've known John for about 3 years, and Maddy for just over a year now. They are both good friends of mine.
It was Maddy's birthday yesterday, and we threw her a surprise party. A surprise party that I could not attend, unfortunately. See, I was suppose to be working from 5:30-9, but my shift got cancelled right after the party started, and I unfortunately had no way there. 
A couple of hours later, I was all settled down in my bed, studying for chem, when I received invites via text message asking if I wanted to come to Second Cup. Of course, I accepted and Henry and Samuel kindly came to get me. We arrived at Second Cup and I was very much happy to see everyone. After consuming a little bit of hot chocolate (thanks Philip) and talking to people about stuff, I wished Maddy another happy birthday and we all left. (Hope you had a great day, gurl!)
Henry and Samuel drove me home. The drives home are always my favorite part! 'Twas such a wonderful night <3
                                                                                                     -Jess Dryden

Monday 28 May 2012

Weezer Minkerton

Day 8
"Are you ticklish?"

Oh, hello there! I had an exciting day today. No, unfortunately a knight in shining armor didn't come sweep me off my feet and whisk me away. Forsooth, I'm sure that's what we were all hoping for. However, I did get to dissect a mink! Or rather, my friends dissected it while I took pictures for the lab. I named him Weezer Minkerton, and cutting him open was not very pleasant at all. 
After much sanitizing, we had a potluck for Youth In Action during lunch hour. We were all delightfully surprised when Jonathan (former YIA president who graduated last year) showed up. He is the young gentlemen sporting the red shirt, standing to my left. I had the opportunity to converse with him for a short amount of time during the potluck, which was nice.
Before the potluck, I managed to obtain another essential in chemistry! Thanks to Brittany for helping me study. 
There's only 10 days left of school; then there's exam week. I so look forward to summer. I just know it's going to be the time of my life. 
Since I have exposed my face, I no longer see the point in labeling myself with a pen name like "Camera Face". So from now on it's just Jess.
                                                                                       -Jess Dryden

Sunday 27 May 2012

It's Like Falling Asleep at the Wheel, and Driving Right Over the Edge

Day 6

My apologies for not posting yesterday but I ran into some technical difficulties (I was waaaaaay too tired and my brain wasn't even functioning by the time I got home). 
Yesterday was a crazy day. I woke up at like, 9:30 AM and had nothing planned for the day. I asked my friends to come rescue me from my boredom. Thankfully Britt came and got me and we went to Costco. After Costco, which turns out isn't even that great after all, we went to Britt's house while we waited for Kait to get back from Amherst. The photo above is me frolicking in Britt's backyard as she took pictures. 
Finally Kait and Jess came to get us and we went to Mcdonald's of course, so I could visit someone. Somehow we ALWAYS end up at Mcdonald's. After Mcdonald's we did a few drive-bys (and didn't shoot people), just for the record. Then we went to pick Nathan up at his place. We somehow ended up at Mcdonald's again at 11 PM. Then we drove people to places and stuff. Typical Saturday night. I guess if wasn't *that* crazy of a day.

                                                                                                                                   -Camera Face
                            Day 7
"I'll go, 'cause I know this is what we need"

Sunday morning church is beautiful! I never really use to like church when I was younger. "It's so boring" I would say every Sunday morning before we drove to church. But as I'm becoming older, I really love getting up on Sunday mornings and attending the church service at RBC. 
After church, mom and I went to meet some friends from Fredericton who were in town, for lunch. I told them all my crazy stories since I hadn't seen them in quite some time. 
We shopped for groceries, then I came home and ate meatballs and listened to the same song over and over again. It's homework and an early bedtime tonight considering I only got about 43 minutes of sleep last night. Well, that's basically it.
                                                                                                                                 -Camera Face

Friday 25 May 2012

Another Long Day at the Office

Day 5
"Can we go to Marineland? Everyone loves it there!"

My day was swell. School, chem tutoring, the market and of course, work.
Usually when it gets this close to the end of the school year, time passes by excruciatingly slow. However, it seems like yesterday was Monday. 
Seeing as I'll be away a lot in the summer, I'm really going to miss seeing my friends every morning in Bio class. I'm going to miss ditching school in the afternoon to go to the beach, (just kidding, we never did get to do that). I'm going to miss having study parties at superstore the week before exams. I'm going to miss everything. As much as I complain about it, high school is a blast. I'm very blessed to have the opportunity to attend RHS.
After tutoring with Court and Britt, they dropped me off at the R-View market so that I could hangout with my good friend Adrianna for a while. She has her own business and everything. Unfortunately, I was only able to stay for about 30 minutes.
Off to work from there as I diligently walked to the ice cream stand. Note to self: Do not wear a white, long-sleeved shirt when scooping ice cream. 
Every night after I get home from working the evening shift, as I walk through the door, I sigh and say "Another long day at the office." I'm not sure why I do that, but I feel so legitimate afterwards. 
As for the rest of my night, I plan to watch movie #5 on my list. Casablanca, of course! I've been meaning to finish that one for quite some time.
As for my plans for the weekend: my friends suggested Marineland. Sad to say I really don't see that happening, which is unfortunate because I hear everyone loves Marineland.
                                                                                                   -Camera Face

Thursday 24 May 2012

Not Good To Go, Yet

Day 4
"Luke Bryan is the answer to all your problems!"

Oh, how I love chemistry! I'm totally kidding. Chemistry is probably my least favorite subject, I'd have to say. But I'm determined to pass the grade 11 chemistry course. Not just pass, but hopefully get a decent mark, and do well on my final exam.
Grade 11 chemistry is made up of a bunch of essentials. Without the essentials, you could have a 98% in the course and still fail. The essentials are, well; they're essential.
I really thought all hope was lost when I received a 34% on my report card for chem. Then Pam, my chem teacher, set me up with a tutor. Good thing it wasn't a really good-looking sixteen year old boy. We all know how that went last time. Instead it's my good ol' pal Court! Her, Brittany and I spent all afternoon studying periodic trends, after a quick trip to needs to get slushies. Essentials for studying the essentials.
They tried everything they could to explain electronegativity to me. They even incorporated my favorite band Radiohead in a few of their analogies. And for some reason Britt thought Luke Bryan would help, too. 
Eventually I understood all the periodic trends we studied, after much explaining.
The picture above is the first essential I've obtained. I still have like, a bunch more to do before the end of the school year, which is 2 weeks away. Thankfully though, I have good friends to help me out. Thanks guys <3
                                                                                                -Camera Face

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Captured with My Mind

Day 3
Yes, I realize there is no picture with today's post. I took some pictures earlier today, but then a bunch of cool stuff happened. The kind of stuff that can't be captured with a camera. 
Earlier this evening, I received some pretty upsetting news. I was so mad at someone, for something he did. In fact, I was certain I never wanted to speak to him again. Then after spending an hour on the phone with a friend, I decided it wasn't right for me to be so upset with him, so I forgave him quickly. I always try to be fast to forgive because God always forgives me when I ask him to, no matter what. Even while I was so upset, I knew God was there waiting for me to come and talk to him. And I did. Afterwards, I felt so much content and all my worries and anxiety about the subject matter had vanished.
Then, another friend that I've been praying for so intently lately, told me God has been showing him so much over the past few days. He then proceeded to tell me a story about another person being pulled in by God's amazing love.
I can feel the presence of God so strongly. He is so good to us. Never did I imagine, when I woke up this morning that so much wonderful stuff would happen today. 
                                                                                                -Camera Face

Tuesday 22 May 2012

It's an Oliver Kind of Tuesday

Day 2
"Well, Oliver is an orphan..."

It was a pretty typical Tuesday for me. Woke up 30 minutes late, almost missed the bus, definitely missed breakfast and failed to understand anything we learned in Chemistry class. I have no idea why, but Tuesday is my favorite day of the week. It always has been. Almost every day is a good day, but Tuesday is different. It's better. 
This lovely Tuesday I am spending my evening reading good ol' Oliver Twist. See, I have an English test tomorrow on a good portion of the book and well, I haven't exactly started reading it. I've read little bits and pieces of it in my spare time; mostly in between classes. But I still know nothing about what actually goes on in the book. So as per usual, I am doing what I can to get as much work done as possible at the last minute.
I'm probably the biggest procrastinator you will ever meet. It's not something I'm proud of, but it's something I'm going to have to deal with, and work through if I'm ever going to be successful in life.
If you excuse me now, I'm going to continue on reading this depressing story about a poor little orphan boy whom my friends helped me establish is indeed an orphan.

"Guys, what is Oliver Twist even about?"
'Well, Oliver is an orphan..." 

What a big help they are <3

                                                                                                     -Camera Face

Nikon D5100

Day 1
"Lovely picture, but there is some camera in the way." 

A few days ago I bought a Nikon D5100. It's a beautiful camera that takes exquisite photographs. I've always loved taking pictures but I've been using a point and shoot camera for years. I decided, now that I have a summer job, that it was time to invest in a real camera. So with the help of Styler I decided, or rather, they decided that the D5100 would be the perfect camera for me. They were right, as per usual. I absolutely love this camera and I'm anxious to learn more about photography from the best photographer I know, my sister. Over the past 2 days, I've taken about 500 photos. Needless to say I didn't need 47 pictures of my dog running around the backyard. I really kinda love this camera.
                                                                                                   -Camera Face